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Friday, August 16, 2013

Pictorial tour inside the luxury yacht "Nirvana"

The world's richest compete for the acquisition of a yacht "Nirvana", known as "floating palace," which Ranked being the most luxurious yachts on the face of the earth, yet.

The "Naravana" have been designed by the Australian company "Sam Surjiovanna", while the South African company "Ohanko" made the implementation of the luxury yacht design, which reached a length of 88.5 meters.

The company Adamiston, the largest global company specializing in the marketing and sale of yachts,and the company responsible for the marketing and sale of "Nirvana",announced that the price of a luxury yacht reach $ 307 million.

Due to the presence of multiple purchase requests, it is expected that the company launched an auction between the rich contestants to win the yacht.

And the room's yacht owner occupies more than half the area of ​​the upper floor, provider by private swimming pool, Jacuzzi, and terrace see the sea and a covered area to eat.

The upper floor for owner of the yacht can be turned into a luxury reception hall.

In addition to this the yacht is provided by elevator built-engraved silver to transport passengers on board between floors easily.

 "Nirvana" Were provided with external stairs arrive between floors, and lead to the gym (gymnasium), and the room "spa", and a cinema room with three-dimensional technology.

The yacht is also equipped with the two Parking garage, the first for car model "Supercars" and the other dedicated for jet skis and ski boats,and another as well as a private airstrip for helicopters.

Special images for the luxurious yacht "Nirvana".

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